Even if we have so many reasons to avoid investment in Tangkasnet such areas as Lost Coyotes reservations there must be some solutions to improve quality of its habitants. There is always a solution and these people are still waiting for miracle to happen. Once some said that there is not bad investment only a bad plan and we do believe that there is way to sort this out and help this area to develop. We believe this area is not useless it is neglected and authorities should react and make a good project and long-term plan that will make changes and help these people to live normally and according to twenty-first century. We are not living in a tribe century and they should be a part of our history not our reality. No matter how cruel is nature; people should find a way to soften it.
An opportunity for creating gambling resorts
Some businessmen have spotted an opportunity to create a chain of casino resorts and to multiply Las Vegas idea. They have started to negotiate with government in order to convince them that this is the only way out and just what this reservation needed in order to start its development. This project will make an enormous profit and help people from this reservation have descent life. Some politicians have already recognized the benefits of this idea, such as Schwarzenegger and we believe he is not the only one. In the future this reservation will have an economic boom and after 1999 it will have its first serious investment.
Government negotiating
Some business realized that casino and gambling resort is a great opportunity for making profit. Hiring thousands of people from this area will help community and its own development. Creating a gambling resort will attract other investors and help this idea grow and become a long-term project that will make an economic boom of this reservation. No matter how difficult it sounds there is no high risk of loss. As a matter a fact chance to loose is zero,